TROX Sustainability Report 2023



The foundation-owned TROX Group defines sustainability as part of its corporate DNA. Since 1951, the long-established company TROX has focused on innovation, durability and efficiency - combined with socially responsible action. TROX GmbH offers components and systems that make the best possible use of available resources and make a significant contribution to climate protection throughout their entire value chain. Sustainability lies at the core of our actions, it is a growth driver and, at the same time, forms a great part of our responsibility.


* Scope 1, 2, 3 upstream (click button for explanation)

Scopes define the areas in which companies emit CO2. According to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol), there are three standardised categories along the value chain:

Scope 1 comprises direct emissions within the company. Scope 2 records the indirect emissions from energy suppliers and Scope 3 describes the emissions from the upstream supply chain.


At TROX, environmental and social responsibility and profitable growth are not conflicting goals. Because continuous improvements ensure our future viability. It is about more than saving energy, reducing water consumption or minimising waste. To fulfil our ambition of being climate-neutral* by 2040, we are consistently using all our entrepreneurial opportunities on the path to a sustainably productive future. (* Scope 1, 2, 3 upstream)


As a globally active Group, our sustainability strategy is based on the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Some of these goals have long been part of our values, such as more sustainable economic development, technical innovation, energy efficiency and, most importantly, human well-being.

Aktionsfelder SDGs en


Our 360° sustainability approach comprises 6 defined strategic fields of action that include almost all 17 Sustainable Development Goals. To achieve these goals, we want to meet the enormous challenges of our time and play an active role in shaping sustainable living, working and economic activity
(Picture Action fields large).


TROX is a global market leader in the development, manufacture and sale of components, units and systems for the safe ventilation and air conditioning of rooms, including fire protection and smoke extraction technology. TROX products are produced in an environmentally friendly manner, are energy-efficient and ensure demand-based operation.

With 33 subsidiaries in 28 countries on five continents, 20 production sites and further importers and representatives, the company is present in over 70 countries. The TROX GROUP currently has around 4,770 employees worldwide and an annual turnover of around 670 million Euros.


The foundation is an expression of the life's work of its founder, Heinz Trox. By establishing the foundation in 1991, he ensured the continued existence of TROX GmbH as an independent company. The object of the foundation is the advancement of scientific projects in the field of ventilation and air-conditioning technology and the support of social and cultural activities.

The Heinz Trox Foundation holds 94% of the shares in TROX GmbH which is based in Neukirchen-Vluyn on the left bank of the Lower Rhine. The foundation's holdings in the TROX GROUP are its primary asset; its dividend distribution forms the economic basis for its sponsorship activities.

You can find more information at here.



Climate neutrality and sustainability have long been firmly anchored as corporate goals at TROX. Since 2019, TROX has produced an annual sustainability report with comprehensive information on the successes achieved as well as measures already initiated and planned for the future. A special climate formula was developed to illustrate TROX's commitment.

"TROX is a highly meaningful company that acts sustainably in two respects – for health and for the environment. This follows our tradition, which has always focused on quality, durability, efficiency, innovation and socially responsible action," explains Christine Roßkothen, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility.

Download the sustainability report here!

Logistik und Beschaffung


We can only achieve our sustainability goals by involving our suppliers. To this end, we will check at least 90% of all suppliers concerning their sustainability by 2025. At the same time, 100 % of core suppliers are required to transparently disclose their carbon footprints in order to assess their sustainability.

  • Supporting our suppliers in implementing and complying with TROX sustainability requirements
  • Expansion of sustainability measurement and assessment of our suppliers via platforms such as IntegrityNext
  • Review of all suppliers by means of risk screening
  • Obligation of suppliers to comply with our Supplier Code of Conduct and our General Terms and Conditions

  • Joint development of a plan of action and measures
  • Increased purchase of recyclable packaging
  • Increased sustainability training for purchasing and suppliers
  • "Think global - act local" - Favouring local suppliers to reduce CO2 transport emissions
  • Increased use of green energy and promotion of a certified energy management system for suppliers


A significant portion of TROX' ecological footprint is determined by the products themselves. Our components and systems provide people with clean and optimally tempered breathing air while maximising safety (fire protection). TROX products are durable, energy-efficient and sustainable.

  • Well over 500 million people* worldwide benefit from TROX ventilation and fire protection products (*estimate based on our sales volumes)
  • Reduction of energy requirements through demand-led control
  • Maximising overall energy and resource efficiency
  • Optimisation of products and systems for partial load operation
  • BREEAM (British Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) is a certification system that assesses the sustainability of building design and the environmental impact of products in buildings. TROX products achieved a positive rating in six out of nine categories.


We put great emphasis on the careful use of raw materials, energy and water. This also includes waste avoidance, recycling and optimised work processes and conditions.

With the TROX Production System TPS, we are improving processes and sustainability aspects in all TROX GROUP production facilities worldwide.

  • TPS to optimise all production processes and administrative procedures
  • TROX management system for quality, energy and environmental management as well as occupational health and safety management
  • Optimisation of production processes and material flow
  • Reduction of material offcuts and waste
  • Investment in hardware and software for energy data acquisition
  • Energy auditing system for greater energy efficiency in investments
  • Optimisation of working conditions through continuous process recording and elimination of potential hazards


Reducing the CO2 consumption of our movements of goods and optimising resources for packaging materials are important to us. We produce in close proximity to the customer, bundle transports, pay attention to the choice of transport modes and optimise packaging for better transportability.

  • Optimisation of warehousing to reduce specific energy consumption
  • Greater customer proximity through expansion of production facilities
  • Minimising transport routes by setting up new production facilities and warehouses
  • Bundling regional transport to shorten delivery routes
  • Gradual reduction of resources through reusable packaging
  • Gradual conversion of the vehicle fleet to e-mobility
  • Optimisation of internal production routes and processes to save energy


TROX's operational infrastructure is geared towards sustainability. The efficient use of energy and water in buildings conserves resources, reduces CO2 emissions and lowers operating costs.

Product development is also planned from the outset using recyclable materials to ensure maximum recycling and efficient use of resources.

  • Continuous transition to green energy
  • Investments in solar energy and other low-CO2 energy sources
  • Compensation of remaining CO2 emissions with certificates, see Paulownia plantation
  • CO2-reduced wooden construction for new buildings such as TROX HESCO Switzerland, see picture above
  • CO2-neutral or at least CO2-reduced production in new construction projects, see TROX Auranor in Norway
  • Reduction in primary energy and water consumption through comprehensive building modernisation
  • Expansion of energy data collection to increase efficiency and assess the environmental impact of processes
  • Development of a standardised Group-wide waste management system
  • Conception and expansion of digitalisation processes to increase efficiency and secure the future


'The human being is the benchmark, and people's well-being is our goal.' We consistently align our actions with this corporate philosophy. In order to establish TROX as the most sustainable company in the industry in the long term, both politically and publicly, we must invest in securing our future today.

  • Continuous investment in safety, health and well-being in the workplace
  • Promoting the appreciation of our employees
  • Expansion of training programmes via high-quality webinars and training courses by 2025
  • Promotion of gender equality, including management positions
  • Fair remuneration for our employees worldwide
  • Commitment to fairness, integrity and equal treatment as well as combating corruption and discrimination
  • Consolidation of corporate values through workshops
  • Global cooperation with associations, organisations and committees to enforce sustainable quality, environmental and energy standards in the building sector
  • Transparent and comprehensible communication with our stakeholders via digital, print and PR media
  • Exchange of information and knowledge on good indoor air quality based on scientific studies



The Paulownia plantation growing here is a joint project of Stefan Bonsels' farm, the international TROX GROUP from Neukirchen-Vluyn and the bio innovation park Rheinland e. V. and its scientific network partners.

The tree species, which originates from Asia, is also known as the kiri or bluebell tree. It grows rapidly, binds a particularly large amount of carbon dioxide and offers other benefits, such as use as a building material or food source. 

► Get more information here! ►►

*Scope 1, 2 and 3 upstream. 

Greenhouse Gas Protocol



Sustainability is probably the buzzword of our time and it is impossible to imagine the media without it. The awareness surrounding sustainable action long ago ceased to be something that was only relevant for private consumers. Companies are also looking more seriously at how their activities are affecting the environment and the importance of a corporate sustainability concept as part of the corporate culture is growing. 


Our efforts to promote sustainability are in line with a key value of our corporate policy, as well as with an important mega trend: health. Healthy people, thanks to good, clean air and a healthy environment.

The many uncertainties of a year shaped by the coronavirus, highlight the true importance of this fundamental value and mega trend. This is why we think of sustainability as an opportunity for TROX to stand out as an employer and a solution provider.


TROX has published its first company-wide sustainability report. “Sustainability is not static – on the contrary. Acting sustainably as a company means a continuous, long-term process which we drive forward with new steps and measures years on year,” explains Udo Jung, Managing Director for Distribution, Technology and Production (TROX GmbH). “This report sets out to illustrate what we have achieved so far and how we want to act in future.”

Our future needs commitment. Find out how the foundation-owned TROX company group is mastering the challenge of comprehensive sustainable action.

The foundation-owned company group TROX defines sustainability as part of its company DNA. As a long-established company, we at TROX GmbH have placed our trust in long-term goals, efficiency and innovation as well as socially and societally responsible behaviour since 1951. We offer our customers and society components and systems which use the available resources in the best possible way while making a significant contribution to climate protection along their entire value chain. Sustainability is at the core of our how we do business, a growth driver and at the same time part of our responsibility.


For us, environmental and social responsibility and profitable growth belong together. That’s because continuous improvements make our company all the more viable for the future. It’s about more than just saving energy, lowering water consumption and reducing waste. We are orientating our company towards strictly applied sustainability in order to meet our aspiration to be climate-neutral by 2040, thereby making use of the entrepreneurial opportunities available to us for a productive future.


As part of our sustainability strategy, we are vigorously grappling with the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. For us, these goals are an avowal of our responsibility as a global company group. They include goals which we have always considered important, such as sustainable economic development, technical innovation, energy efficiency and, most central of all, human well-being.


We pursue a 360° sustainability approach which comprises 6 defined strategic fields for action. These cover nearly all 17 Sustainable Development Goals. TROX's strategic fields for action are largely focused on achieving these goals. In this way, we want to meet the vast challenges of our times and actively promote sustainable living, working and business.

Fields for action in detail


TROX’s environmental footprint is largely determined by the products themselves. Our products provide people with optimal air quality and temperature as well as increased safety (fire protection). Here, we believe in long service cycles and energy efficiency. 


We pay close attention to a careful use of the resources energy and water, waste avoidance and optimal work conditions. We use our TROX production system TPS to improve procedures and sustainability aspects in all 19 production facilities of the TROX GROUP worldwide. 


We care deeply about reducing the CO2 consumption of our goods transport and optimising the resources used in packaging materials. We manufacture close to our customers, bundle transports, make sure to select the right hauliers and optimise packaging in order to improve movability.


TROX’s operational infrastructure is aimed at sustainability. The efficient use of energy and water in buildings reduces CO2 emissions and lowers operating costs. We plan products from the outset to use reusable materials, and recycle wherever possible.


Our employees are the key to the implementation of our business strategy and of our success. Work and health management and a strong training concept for employees sustainably promote commitment and open up potential.


For us, communication means interacting with customers, business partners and employees. We are part of a strong network that enables us to make an impact and involve our responsibilities in regulations, guidelines and laws to achieve a future that is worth living. 


BREEAM (British Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) is a certification system, which assesses the overall building concept. BREEAM specifies nine main categories on which your building is evaluated. Credits are awarded and weighted for each category. This results in a final score for the building, in ratings from ‘Pass’ to ‘Outstanding’. Overall, the BREEAM certification is a quality label, it encourages you to focus on sustainability in building design and the environmental impact of products in buildings.

TROX can help towards obtaining these credits in different categories by using our products, in combination with other building components. The TROX-products could contribute and impact in six of those nine main categories.

Download the TROX-brochure for more detailed information.



For the world’s second highest wood skyscraper, the focus was on protecting the environment and resources. This is a perfect match for TROX’s aspiration to a high level of sustainability and quality. The pressurised air-conditioning system uses high-quality, coordinated components to ensure that emergency exit and rescue routes remain smoke-free in the event of a fire. What makes this solution special is the BUS control unit. It not only saves on materials and cabling costs, but also remains flexible.


The International Quarter London represents the future of work. This is where new commercial areas, restaurants, cafés and apartments exist alongside 25,000 new, unique workplaces. Together with the architect, TROX developed a customised, completely new air-conditioning solution for the office building: SKYBEAM, a cooling convector with a flexibility that is unique in the world, at encouragingly low operating costs thanks to its high energy efficiency. 


Important planning criteria for the new headquarters were especially sustainable construction and the economic use of electricity for lighting, ventilation and air-conditioning. TROX’s optimally coordinated air-conditioning system was chosen. The central controller, volume flow controller and air passages of the ventilation and air-conditioning system ensure ideal learning and teaching conditions alongside especially low energy consumption, smoke extraction valves and fire shutters. 










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